How do you handle the pencil problem? I have used the swapping idea for a while now but have recently found a new solution that I want to try in the Fall. The swapping solution is simply put, when a student receives a pencil, he/she must hand over something of theirs. Students often times give me their cell phones when they need a pencil and most times they return my pencils for their phones. However, I have felt a little uneasy handling students' property. The worry-wart in me thinks that the swapping is a recipe for disaster. I know, I'm a little crazy.
Disclaimer: Of course I want all my students to have access to supplies needed in order to be successful in my classroom. I gladly give out pencils to those who truly do not have any at home to bring. The pencil problem is directed to those students who constantly ask for pencils because they lost or forgot to bring one to school.
I've spent probably too much time trying to figure a new way to handle my pencils being taken by students. I am trying out a new solution this Fall! I have bought some tacky hello kitty duck tape and wrapped the top portion of my pencils with the tape. This way, I can easily discern my pencils from my students' pencils. If a student asks for a pencil, I give my hello kitty pencil and ask them to write their name on the board. At the end of class, I will call all of the students names I see on the board. If for some reason a student gets a pencil and leaves with it, the next time I see my bright hello kitty-taped-pencil, I can simply ask for it back!
How do you solve the pencil problem? Let me know in the comment section!
-Ms. B
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